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Native Wasp's NestForreri's Leopard FrogGreen IguanaHowler MonkeyGreen IguanaEmerald BasiliskEmerald BasiliskWhite-faced Capuchin MonkeyEmerald BasiliskSavage's Foam FrogWhite-faced Capuchin MonkeyRiver OtterBlue Jeans Dart FrogBlue Jeans Dart FrogLeaf Cutter AntLeaf Cutter AntLeaf Cutter AntBlue Jeans Dart FrogEmerald BasiliskGreen Iguana

Guestbook for Animals
Garry Warne(non-registered)
I have never seen a more wonderful set of animal photos. The brilliant colours of the amphibians have been captured perfectly and with the greatest contrast against the background. Some of the reptiles look very scary!
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