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The Outer Hebrides comprises a series of 119 islands along the North Atlantic Coastline of Scotland: the far North-West of Britain. We have photographed the major inhabited islands of Lewis, Harris, Scalpay, Berneray, North Uist, Benbecula, South Uist, Eriskay, Barra and Vatersay. These Gaelic speaking islands have a known history of human habitation lasting 7,000 years and are romanticised in literature and music. The reality is that life here is hard – the islands are subject to the most ferocious weather – the landscape is all but treeless. Crofting, fishing, and now tourism, are the main occupations. Despite the challenges the people are proud and optimistic. The landscape is characterised by Mountains, Lochs and peat bogs on the East with endless white-sand beaches and grassy Machair on the western side. There is a strange atmosphere about these islands best summarised by the Gaelic word Ciùineas – (pronounced Kyu-nyas) meaning tranquility, calm and peacefulness.
Highway to the HebridesTraigh Rosamol, Luskentyre, HarrisSand Patterns, HarrisLuskentyre from Seilebost, HarrisMorning Light Panorama, HarrisEast Loch Tarbert from Meavag, HarrisCiùineas  IIMeavag 2, HarrisFreshwater and Seawater Lochs, East HarrisWind on the Water –  Pattern PhenomenaWatching YouBeacravik, Golden Road, East HarrisBeacravik III, Golden Road, East HarrisTranquility, Fleoideabhagh, East HarrisLoch Braigh-nam-bagh, Golden Road, East HarrisAbandoned Croft, Esat HarrisLoch Braigh-nam-bagh II, Golden Road, East HarrisFinsbay, East HarrisCeapabhal from Northton Saltings II, West HarrisNorthton Saltings 3